“A character study animated entirely within the Grand Theft Auto V video game, KHTOBTOGONE begins as a love story between protagonist Zine and the girl of his dreams, Bulma. But in introspective narration, Zine reflects more broadly on masculinity and coming of age in Marseille’s Maghrebi community. Inspired by the experiences of her male friends from southern France, Sadik collaged transcripts of their stories into Zine’s internal monologue. […] Sadik coaxes a refreshing vulnerability from a game designed to highlight idealized, heteronormative masculinity.” – Chloe Lizotte, LE CINÉMA CLUB

Sara Sadik
Sara Sadik (b. 1994, FR) is inspired by what she terms “beurcore”: the youth culture developed by working-class members of the Maghrebi diaspora. Her work brings together video, performance, installation and photography, exploring diasporic identities, adolescence and masculinities. She documents their mysteries and deconstructs their social mythologies in fictional narratives, filmed or performed, ranging from documentaries to science fiction as well as reality -TV shows.

Sara Sadik

Sara Sadik (b. 1994, FR) is inspired by what she terms “beurcore”: the youth culture developed by working-class members of the Maghrebi diaspora. Her work brings together video, performance, installation and photography, exploring diasporic identities, adolescence and masculinities. She documents their mysteries and deconstructs their social mythologies in fictional narratives, filmed or performed, ranging from documentaries to science fiction as well as reality -TV shows.

More about Sara Sadik