Synopsis: My Neighbourhood follows Palestinian teenager Mohammed El Kurd as half of his home in East Jerusalem is taken over by Jewish settlers. When Israeli activists arrive to protest the take over, Mohammed comes of age in the face of unrelenting tension with his neighbours and unexpected cooperation with Israeli allies in his backyard. Shortly after their displacement, Mohammed’s family and other residents begin holding unarmed protests against the evictions, determined not to lose their homes for good. In a surprising turn, they are quickly joined by scores of Israeli supporters who are horrified to see what is being done in their name. Among them is Jewish West Jerusalem resident Zvi Benninga and his sister Sara, who develop a strong relationship with Mohammed and his family as they take on a leading role in organizing the protests. Through their personal stories, My Neighbourhood goes beyond the sensational headlines that normally dominate discussions of Jerusalem and captures voices rarely heard, of those striving for a future of equality and pluralism in the city. For more information on the film, visit